Absolute vs Incremental Encoders
Systems involving motion, especially industrial processes, are tremendously complex. Designing and engineering a process with multiple components means that all sub-systems must work with each other simultaneously. To allow discrete processes to work together, electrical components deliver feedback so that processes can be automated smoothly and if-then decisions can be programmed.
Encoders detect or specify angular positions/positions and convert this information into electrical sig
Sep 8th 2020
Position Hold Versus Spring Return to Center Joysticks
Joysticks are an essential control component for many types of machines and equipment. In industrial and commercial sectors, their components must be precision-engineered to exact specifications. Having industrial-grade joysticks that are designed and made to the right application empowers the equipment to operate more safely and efficiently.
Spring return to center joysticks and position hold joysticks are two types that provide operators with greater control over their machinery.
Sep 8th 2020
Finally! Customer-Programmable Potentiometers
By programming potentiometers specifically for your application, these components can be made to measure any angle in a 360º arc without the added cost or time for delivery time associated with custom-made potentiometers. See how digitally programmable potentiometers like the
ETA25PS can greatly support the efficiency of your operation.
Traditional Precision Potentiometers
The traditional conductive plastic or wire-wound
precision potentiometers have a fixed
Sep 4th 2020
Hall Effect vs Potentiometer Joysticks
As the need for joysticks increases designers are undergoing greater pressure to meet use requirements while also lowering cost. These requirements include but are not limited to sensitivity, accuracy, low power, smoother operation, custom size, and multi-function features. It is particularly important in industrial environments where proper control of heavy equipment is critical to prevent work related injuries or loss of productivity.
P3 America has custom developed several types of industrial
Mar 13th 2020
Heavy Duty Joystick Controller Applications
While often seen in the cockpit of military or commercial aircraft, a video game controller, or electric wheelchair, joysticks are a tool used to control machines and heavy equipment such as cranes, trucks, and manufacturing operations. But the joysticks used in those video game controllers are very different from those used to operate massive mining excavators and dump trucks.
Here, we’ll explore joystick controllers in use for heavy duty applications across
industrial and commerci
Mar 5th 2020